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Public ParMuseum

  Valley of Blossoms Public ParMuseum: The Engineering Idea 16 Monday Feb 2015 Posted by Espacio Visual Europa (EVE) in Foundations, Museography, MUSEOLOGY, MUSEUMS≈ Leave a remark TagsARCHITECTURAL PROGRAMM, Stylistic layout, EXHIBITIONDESIGN, ICOM, Inside Planner, LIGHTING, MUSEOGRAPHIC Program, MUSEOGRAPHY. n.- Identical in French: engineering; Spanish:arquitectura; German: Architektur; Ita-lian: architettura; Portuguese: arquitectura (Brazil: arquitetura). (Historical center) engineering is characterized as the craft of planning and introducing or fabricating a space that will be utilized to house explicit gallery capabilities, all the more especially the elements of presentation and show, preventive and healing dynamic protection, study, the board, and getting guests. ph_museum_free_fernando-romero-2Image: Fernando Romero Engineers Since the creation of the cutting edge historical center, from the finish of the eighteenth hundred years and the start of the nineteenth, while old le